Monday, February 4, 2013

Inspiring Bloggers

The internet can be a terrifying and powerful place, I try to keep things positive and peaceful in my little corner of it (it's a VERY small corner).  In fact, my one and only new years resolution was to refrain from participating in arguements and debates with people on facebook and what not.  Granted, most of them were with my brother in law, and we both know that we'll never change each others minds regarding gun control or marriage equality (I'm for both, he's against them), but we're family and we love each other (and never talk politics in person). 

Here at Candice's Curious Compendium, I try to share some of the lovely things I come across in this happy little life of mine.  Good reads, good eats, good music, art, crafts, and the like. 

I was therefore, naturally thrilled when my wonderful friend, Becky Johnson nominated me for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award.
I have the pleasure of knowing Becky IRL, and have been following her blog since I met her through Justin and the great group of friends I gained when we got together.   Becky's blog is full of great book reviews and tales of the adventurous life she and her husband live. 

The Very Inspiring Blogger Awards work as follows:
(there are always rules)
1. Display the award logo
2. Link to the person who nominated you
3. State seven facts about yourself
4. Nominate other bloggers who inspire you

of course, there is no requirement to play along, but why wouldn't you want to share the work of people who inspire you? 

Seven things about me:

1. I am a Capital N Nerd... Science Fiction, Fantasy, Video Games, Trivia, crossword puzzles, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, Monty Python, Lord of the Rings (which I read as a kid, long before the movies came out), etc. etc. etc.

2. My very first hero was Joan Embry, the ambassador of the San Diego Zoo.  I still greatly admire her, and I still secretly wish I could live at the zoo.  I have always loved animals, and some of my very favorite childhood memories were formed at the SD Zoo with my cousin Kyla, sister Crystal, and my grandparents, who always took us there.

3. I played the clarinet from 3rd grade until high school.  One of the very few regrets I have is that I ever stopped playing.  And yes, I know it's never too late to start again.  It's on my to-do list.

4. I'm related to the 7th President of the United States, Andrew Jackson.  He gets a bad rap for the Indian Removal Act, but it was an action of the times.  He was a fiercely loyal man who never backed down from what he believed in.  He was an instinctual military genius, and was the first real President of the people, who spoke for the common man, and not the elite.

5. I started reading when I was two, and have never stopped.  I am always reading something, usually more than one thing.  And I'll read pretty much anything. 

6. I am not afraid of heights, but I'm terrified of ladders.  I can stand on the edge of a cliff and look down, but can't climb anything higher than the stepladder in my kitchen.  I don't know why, but I really really don't like them.  I've also always been afraid of jumping off of or out of things. 

7. I never ever expected to fall in love, get married, and have the happily ever after I live every day.  I completely expected to become a spinster aunt who lived alone with my dog.  I am so eternally grateful for the blessings that God has given me.  I am married to my very best friend in the world, and am constantly surprised at how joyful my life has become. 

While I certainly enjoy super famous people's blogs, like George Takai and Tim Holz, here are some regular people, like myself, who inspire me, and help to make the internet a more beautiful place.  I hope you check them out.

My nominations for the Very Inspiring Blogger Awards are:

Capybara Madness - The capybara is one of my favorite animals.  I ran across this blog while researching the world's largest rodent for a project for school.  This is a pet caypbara's view of the world, Garibaldi the capybara narrates this blog with help from his owner, Melly.  

Inspired Mama  - Amanda is a teacher turned stay-at-home-mom-of-three.  She shares vegan meal plans, knitting ideas, and experiences from her inspired life. 

House of Humble - I was originally enamored with the name of this lifestyle blog.  Blogging couple Katie and Ruben write about cooking, crafting, and their simple, beautiful life together.

The Shiksa in the Kitchen - is a food writer who develops delicious recipes and explores the history of food.  two of my favorite things!

Serving Pink Lemonade - is a playful blog created by sisters living on opposite coasts as a way to keep their families connected.  You'll find simple recipes, fun and easy crafts for the whole family, and cute party ideas. 

Rindy Mae - another great place to find simple and delicious recipes interspersed with heartwarming tales of family.

What blogs to you follow?  mention them in a comment below and spread the word. 


1 comment:

  1. That's so neat that you're a descendant of Andrew Jackson! I had never previously thought of him as a President of the People, but now I agree with you. It is funny how history portrays things!
